Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jeffrey Dahmer Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Even the anarchist left and the Congress unit in Chile

By: Nikolas Friedman


The Paris of the workers, their community will be forever exalted as the glorious harbinger of a new society. Its martyrs are his sanctuary in the great heart of the working class. Karl Marx, The Civil War in France


This is of no interest to develop the military work, leaving a signed blank paper, a document of intent "democratic" to the murderous oligarchy and that is why the UP , the project became something of social intentions, there is no strategic intention of taking power, This graph shows the characteristic of reformism and class collaboration that would pay with blood and fire the people and the foundations of the UP, few leaders of the UP right responded to the attack, the intermediate structures, in one form or another were not able to react to the boot reactionary. Strategic defeat caused by the oligarchy continues to this day the people's democratic choice, is this option which was defeated, not revolutionary alternative whose effect is still intact and that its essence seeks to destroy the bourgeoisie with all its institutions, is precisely such institutions that really did not allow people to carry out the process in Chile, is the same error incurred by those who speak of a constituent, or to build strength (transverse match in social terms) and what did not resolve the Unidad Popular, and what does not resolve a cross-party Constituent or is the class contradiction between working capital (bourgeoisie versus workers), as reflected in the balance of power and class between the national bourgeoisie and the rule versus the popular and revolutionary movement and international, and international movement, there is very little.

This further confirms again and again the treachery of the reformist (Right deviation, expressed in working class), which set out to face "revolutionary" when questioned or attacked Stalinism in Russia (another departure from the right, which is characterized by the replacement of people by the party) and that speech echoing opportunistic (Khrushchev attacks Stalin, on the line come PCURSS policy) reformism is felt within the international part of the Soviet Communist Party, once a course to ensure that Stalin was dead. As a direct consequence of that in Chile, in April 1951, the reactionary wing, right inside the Communist Party expels the PC Marxist Communists led by Luis Reinoso, after that historic betrayal, that marks a beginning, this wing reactionary right does unify the party and its membership due to its vertical and staunch loyalty to the party (and slyly unconsciously strengthening the management class collaborationist), imposing thereby betraying the working class, the sell-out European and American imperialism leading to the founding of the Popular Front in Chile following blindly the principles of class collaboration, the reformism of the Communist International led by Khrushchev right.

Now you must understand that the words spoken by the international reaction to the wind is not words or nonsense sentences, the phrases of praise from the European fascists and Made for Obama, when you visit Chile neoliberal process Chile has a lot of sense, protect Chilean institutions, must be protected as this is protected neoliberalism by making lines of work, to make strategic alliances between liberal countries that the essence is the cornerstone that projects the model to the option of Marxism, this no doubt is what is giving out today imperialism, discourses are reflected in it, is the direct consequence of calling coalesce (strategic alliances) imperialism environment is what we see almost daily in the country servants, lackeys like Chile or invaded, falling under the yoke of U.S. imperialism which gripped the country's natural resources subject.

revolutionary reflux timely flow of "anarchist"

Marxist revolutionary movement came from a serious crisis in the 90s, the product of hard political coups and military dictatorship and Yankee imperialism, of course there are the Erros of appreciation of reality in terms of how we interpret the policy to make up their fragmentation and division, at this stage reflux rebels emerge from the shadows where the postulates anarchists, anarcho-communist Chileans, with its multiple expressions, views, trends. Now this would be great for the people of Chile and socialism, in terms of bringing forward the revolution, but as their foundation is different from Marxist principles, as they have not been able to make their own revolution, therefore frustrated because they can not take power dedicated to criticize, analyze, or intrusions into the "foreign revolutions."

Anarchism term coined in Greece that means "without authority or power." This amount of thoughts and trends that ends up being a pseudo-scientific doctrine historical weighing the exploited people, who along with Marxism, are some of the trends of "socialism." Both anarchism and Marxism, are intertwined when criticizing capitalism and the urgent need to end in order to achieve a new society that is not based on the exploitation of man by man, but differ radically in terms of methods to achieve it. In fact, throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century both thoughts drifted gradually to become irreconcilable opposites. Moreover, Bakunin said that the working class could not organize, or prepare their own assault on power, as this would be a form of authoritarianism, which we understand is a way to see and interpret to society from outside of a window, giving back to the reality that surrounds it, ie, looking at the piece, which is more serious because it is not within the four walls that have always characterized many revolutionaries as a matter primarily ideological. Bakunin awkwardly, he conceived the revolution or the destruction of the state between war equipment, Amadas bourgeois forces against the revolutionary forces, just as a lumberjack is slowly cutting a giant tree to topple and end up with the forest, taking the metaphor, launch a network of clandestine conspiratorial cells, with no obligation to respond to the people who claim to represent, that is, for them the revolution is made by individuals, without complying with the class, and people.

In this sense, we will enter the anarchist tissue, which tends to reject the theory the labor value of classical liberalism, "In capitalist society the labor force (workers) is seen as a mere commodity like any other, so that its value is equal to the socially necessary labor time to produce it." For Marxism is not seeking to predict the price of the goods, but to understand the major forces that govern the exchange of goods. In this particular case of the commodity "labor power," the law of value is used to explain the source of capitalist profit (on labor exploitation), goodwill, which is nothing other than profit based on exploitation of the class working for the entrepreneur to produce more profit. " A of mentors in the anarcho-Piotr Kropotkin, says in his book, In The Conquest of Bread, "welfare for all is not a dream. It is possible, achievable, after what our ancestors have done to make fruitful our workforce. But for that welfare becomes a reality, the huge capital needs to stop being considered as private property of the hoarder available at will. It is necessary that the rich instrument of production is common property, to that the collective spirit kick him the greatest benefits for all. " Regarding the property: "Everything is intertwined: science and industry, knowledge and application. The discoveries and practical achievements leading to new inventions, intellectual work and manual labor, the idea and arms. Every discovery, every advance, every combination of manual and intellectual work of the past and present. So what right takes over the smaller proportion of this immense whole and adds: "This is just mine and not all?".

In analyzing the arguments you encounter a huge surprise, the first strange name for an Anarchist Anarchist Prince "rather the name is the prelude to his book full of contradictions, second for the anarchist the essence of society is to centralize the person (individual), as part of his thinking is why the problems of dealing of the working class. Anthropological and sociological writing now, I equals the neoliberal thinking, ie, to become as the lesser evil, the version "good" of the individual central is not nothing but a question as if it disappears as the State we know, under the anarchist vision will be supplanted version power structures, ie the equivalent of the market, but boy. By neglecting, ignoring the theory and replaced by the "principles" is a huge intellectual mistake and unscientific, since this alone and end up worse without realizing it, fighting for the class enemy, this is not I'm saying that the principles not essential that they are, but all revolutionary scientific argument always arises from a social condition, we must not confuse the instrument (small states) to (destroy the state) to finish developing the same, but fragmented, by people, some good honda small state.

Now, theoretically writing, we find that in the Communist Manifesto, like the anarchist there are some similarities, but more than substance, as to establish community ownership as an economic system, as being a capitalist, is to occupy not only a purely personal in production (money), but also to occupy social position, ie class. The value of a particular product that is generated by workers has added value once a transformed accordingly to this, a collective product that can only be set in motion when it enters into the dynamics of joint economic activity of many members of the society (workers). So the capital is not a personal strength, but rather is a force of class (social), hence the analogy with the capitalist neo-liberalism, rather than Marxism as for Kropotkin, on the basis of all is the individual and not class as defined by Marx. Marxism as a science, is clearly presented in order and organized and coherent to the reality surrounding it and it follows a way to understand all aspects of life and their own history. While anarcho-weight with very scientific, that is one of the major criticisms of Marx, Bakunin did to, for Marx, anarchism is pure voluntarism devoid of any scientific analysis. So their visions, their interpretations of reality, anarchist ideas are dispersed and do not form a scientific and historical teaching, systematized. Consequently the analysis of Marxism in the capitalist system you find a scientific and historical argument and rational way, but in the anarcho their visions of reality is much more inconsistent, and born of the will (my vision staff) to do away with capitalism rather than a real revolutionary scientific need to end the predatory and oppressive capitalist system, something like what happened to the workers in time of the industrial revolution that destroyed them thinking machines he has all his ills.

The lightness, simplicity, caricatures and even in some sense the manipulation of advantage Marxism-Stalinism of the Khrushchev deception (both right), but I must stress that these arguments are below to discuss the ideological line by anarcho- or libertarian communists, who have made our principles or reasons to fight. Existed and exist in many schools of Marxism through the crisis of the so-called socialist countries, but the truth of the facts after the schools were a Stalinist wane popular and revolutionary movement, the essence of pseudo-scientific philosophy was the trick, misrepresentation of dialectical and historical materialism, statism and Dad logic state (good standard) and was easy to understand, except for a pseudo-revolutionary, anti-Marxist on the facts as Stalin and Khrushchev could it be that the state can reach meet all the needs of social justice (historical materialism) and human needs (Materialism Dialect), when the State by its nature, its essence is class, is an instrument of oppression to serve the interests of class to seize political power of any State, in the case Stalinist party-state, which despite the criticism of Nikita Khrushchev to Stalinism, never finished with Stalinism'd done so much damage to the revolution in Russia, is similar to what happened in Chile with Pinochet, but Pinochet, thanks to the conclusion given the institutional term Pinochet and neoliberal, ie endorsed. Since

think that Khrushchev was Stalin's anti complaint and it gives back a child is like Stalin, Lenin remember when referring to Stalin, "is too insolent, and this defect, which can be tolerated by any Party activist, a defect becomes unacceptable in a person occupying the position of Secretary General. That is why I propose that the comrades see how to remove Stalin from that post and put there to another man, one who, above all things, differs from Stalin in the following: greater tolerance, greater loyalty, more kindness and a more considered and less capricious temper, etc.., etc .,...". What Lenin is describing is a revolutionary, now if someone says that the ratings really like Khrushchev did not understand anything, you can read with magnifying glass understand the truth of scientific fact, historical, Khrushchev will be responsible for launching the first international condemnation against Stalinism itself, but was due to a factional political guideline, staff, parallel to Stalinism, for his criticism was not an issue tied to the ideological foundations This background (the real), but to proceed and act with power, was more a matter that had direct relation with the methods of work (the way), that pointed directly to the misuse of power (politics) was only a difference of form rather than substance since the two were struggling to impose its political criteria which were certainly right about people's interests manipulated by propaganda, using the machinery of the party-state and its coercive structures, using the revolutionary phrase, the difference was that Stalin was a fascist UNDECLARED and was a reformist Khrushchev declared that came to promote the policy of peaceful coexistence with imperialism That is class collaboration and that here and in the stream of pepper is treason to the people, the Marxist party and the revolution. From these simple conclusions can reason as follows, while Stalin was murdering leaders of the revolution honest October Khrushchev made to avoid it, because nothing that comes at the stage of political and moral decay of Stalinism as a form of government, as it was exhausted and before that, Khrushchev gives the coup de grace in the secret report to the XX Congress of the CPSU, February 25, 1956. To end this back to Lenin, in December 1922, in a letter to the Party Congress, said: "After taking office as Secretary General, Comrade Stalin accumulated in his hands a disproportionate power and I'm not sure always be able to use this power with due care. "

Now when you replace the people by the party, the transient is transformed forever transforming the soviets of workers in a sort of new bourgeois oligarchy, transforming the party entering into a sort of class struggle, and so on., We all know I finish all this, now what we want and aspire Marxist revolutionaries is the communist mode of production disappears necessarily state as oppressive and this entity is described both by the works Marx, Engels, and Lenin. It is therefore necessary distortion of the Revolutionary Democratic Dictatorship of the Proletariat (DDRP) as a form of Marxism itself by distorting the Stalinist and reformist, who continued with the policy of Stalin, but more nuanced, more conciliatory, less murderous all this expressed in the party-state. It is in this paragraph where I make a clarification, the term "democracy" was removed from the revolutionary teachings of reformists of the party-state since for them the people's opinion simply did not care lis all, the communist parties replaced the people generating an ideological aberration developed on the basis of the Stalinist-reformist thought building a sort of pseudo-cult ideology and personalism, distorting the subject of revolution, the history of peoples and to their languages \u200b\u200band that the teachings of Marxism and did not develop, which are delivered to the study were written by Stalin and decades after his death in the Russian language from carry the nationalities, the homelands and the essence of Marxism's self-determination of peoples in every sense. Consequently to this, I mean the abandonment of the principles, decades ago, Marx sent him a letter Weydemeyer, in 1852, indicating what their contributions in the field of class struggle: "What I did that again is: 1, demonstrate that the existence of classes is linked more than historical phases determined the development of production; 2, the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat, 3, that this dictatorship itself only represents a transition to abolition of all classes and to a classless society, Marx's scientific vision and contributions to the revolutionary development seen and discussed by him serves the same process performed by former PC of the USSR and its armed wing, Red Army, with respect to their progress with the consequent fall of Nazism and fascism that the figure of Stalin was transformed into the banner, the revolutionary result, the Stalinist-reformist party transforming the subject of revolution, whose historical role of social change was defined by Marxism and its policy instrument (the party), and the subject of revolution is the working class with all social forces and strategic territorial in terms of alliances and this confirms the horrible distortion of the principles embodied in the brilliant Marxist analysis of the Commune of Paris. So we Marxists and we reject as a matter of principles of Stalinism and reformism. Again why we are Marxists?, Is that we live under a "dictatorship" under the yoke of an oppressive state manipulated by a "dictator", this to say at least be mediocre, we are Marxists because we understand the mode of production the result of a revolutionary process, natural and logical social and economic processes, I am talking occur naturally, as human beings we are, this will allow individuals to differentiate themselves not by their material possessions (capitalist vision), but by a community free as to the disappearance of the oppressive state, with the emergence of a new society that governs the man, who walks on moral and ethical behavior, these behaviors are consistent with the brotherly relations between humans. These aspirations libertarian, intellectual, artistic and cultural (Marxist vision) are what will give life to the new man, which comes to end Marxism is the property of the means of production and that this property is the basis of all evil of all forms of human exploitation.

To see more clearly and honestly really have to be just a little honest, even if it costs, we must always admit our mistakes because that is the only formula to produce both personal and collective changes so different processes to analyze and understand historical and dialectical logic of social processes always lead or leading others to a particular purpose. Power is a serious thing and when in the hands of an individual or few individuals with severe deformation is transformed into something that corrupts the moral and ethical people. The experience of the Commune of Paris, was particularly relevant to the entire world revolutionary movement, this extract from historical experience because of the failed attempt by workers to end inequalities and improve the dire economic conditions and social work as like them, now in the 21st century workers are still fighting for the same slogans and economic inequalities and social work.

Teaching the labor movement drew from the failed revolutionary experience was that henceforth should only rely on their own merits, implicitly rejecting alliances with all sectors of the bourgeoisie, to take power, take power and destroy the structures of bourgeois power and take it all for the people, not make the mistake of nationalizing the banking bourgeois is precisely these banks out the resources that are armed fascist reaction to unleash the killing of class, and this is what transcendental military work, is if we are talking about a revolutionary class that takes power and must contain the other class (reactionary), this is only done with the military component it means one thing: the people in arms and in this we also have a strategic mistake not to seize weapons pipes and imperial army was hands of Thiers and the army retreated to Versailles, which was later used against the revolutionary forces. When playing the manifesto of the Central Committee of the National Guard on 18 March, in which contend that the workers of Paris took in his hands the conduct of public affairs and consider it a duty and a right to "become masters of their own destiny, taking power, "Marx adds:" But the class workers can not simply take possession of the state machine as it is, and to use it for their own purposes, "and added, we must destroy the machinery of bourgeois neo-liberal capitalist state and defend the revolution in search of society socialist and that is only achieved by passing on the political offensive.
In the words of Marx, referring to the opportunist elements that defines itself as revolutionary, these elements make a real work of undermining counter-revolution in social processes "In all revolutions, beside their true representatives, are men of a different nature . Some of them, survivors and devotees of past revolutions, without vision of the present movement, but their owners still influence the people, by their known honesty and courage, or simply by force of tradition, others mere charlatans who, by dint of repeated year after year the same stereotyped declamations against the government of the day, they have won a reputation as a full-blooded revolutionary. After March 18 also came to the surface of these men, and in some cases were able to play prominent roles. To the extent that its power is allowed, hindered the real action of the working class, as well as others of their species hindered the full development of all previous revolutions. These elements are a necessary evil, with time taken away from them in the middle, but the Commune was not given time to have "(from, The Civil War in France, of the General Council of the International Workers Association .) Picking
these words we can say that in Chile we are to these characters, who confuse honest people, mix a revolutionary speech, personal ambition, who think only dominate, to be conceited, and celebrated, are manipulative, false and biased , which carry two moralities, with serious drug problems, alcoholism, mythomaniacs, climbers, selfish, and envious, without any social sensitivity and zero humility as they are capable of destroying jobs, discredit honest and dedicated colleagues for appearing in many organizations (sects) or fractions, groups or just in "certain organizations" territorial self-referential character with some degree of advertising presence either ( stickers, scratches, meetings, small events) in some communities expressed in a "job" in a population X territorial country. As Marx describes it well in advance of the revolution and the contradictions in the revolutionary struggle these characters will be exposed and judged by history.

Rodriguista Unity Conference, serious contribution to the revolution
socialism and proletarian internationalism

Under this political signal, specific, powerful, after 26 years rodriguismo done something momentous for the people and Chile, a congress of unity and this without any doubt and without sin of lack of humility writing. It will be one of the last class responses to imperialism and the oligarchy at least these last decades, the reformist left domesticated by the ruling class has no more fight to the national oligarchy and Yankee imperialism is more have joined a fraction it to the conclusion. So the rodriguismo both the idea and the action is transformed into a powerful material force to overthrow the bloodthirsty oligarchy. The revolutionary forces recognize hard hit in this instance the axis of emancipation and national unity as this new thinking and action rodriguismo shows all libertarian thought, as many as the Chilean and Latin Morena, the children of the nation's largest walk again by the cities and countryside of Chile, after the congress of revolutionary unity of the will arise a new revolutionary political instrument for the seizure of power.

Yes, I am talking with real words, not with revolutionary phraseology. Congress of unity arises another serious chance in terms of class, let this historic opportunity and not be part of it would be irresponsible class of their own intellectual torpor of the political myopia of obtuse selfishness, so we end up with selfishness, staff and voted to refuse or stop these immoral and pseudo leaders many cases traitors to the revolution and socialism. Social classes only understand their interests and those interests, class conflicts arise and that there is a way for revolutionary changes, political events are at the forefront of everyone, the work of any revolutionary is to interpret and enhance them know. Today it is vital unity of the revolutionary forces and that achieving this necessary unity, national unity was achieved.

for establishing a revolutionary, but we will not use, to develop a line of military policy, but we will use to create a revolutionary way, but we're going to pass, that talk of revolution if We're thinking about something else. It is more convenient to get organized and solidarity with other revolutions because it is less risky to fight for the Chilean Revolution, that is easier to deny, criticize and attack our revolution to do the same to the counter-revolutionaries, the powerful oligarchs and parasites is why this year and will not be equal to others, this year will be different and will come to strengthen the decade of struggle comes to succeed is so is the need for revolutionary unity should be reflected in this wide range, this humble and powerful family of Chile expressed the revolutionary left in the revolutionary and popular sectors that have become entwined in embryonic form, around Rodriguista Unity Congress. This is the only way to undertake the historic task of social changes that are emerging based popular struggle to come, which will be undoubtedly the basis for moving to end this parasitic and predatory bourgeois system, this system based on exploitation, but it, without any doubt will be hard, full of difficulties, with high and low, not because it is not correct on the contrary, this road is a worthy, is the right way, is that we go all honest revolutionaries.

Beyond the Unity Conference, we are at a stage in the embryonic development of the revolutionary forces in our country, now the Unity Conference will be the essence, the engine in the preparation of the road ahead. A way must be viewed in terms of long-term, long term, as one aspect of a political and mass, the Unity Conference Rodriguista has awakened many sectors, as has unmasked opportunist traitors, many climbers of them used by organizations with selfish interests personal, almost vulgar and revealing, denouncing the neoliberal model in Chile.

capitalism represented by the alliance and agreement can not keep hiding or ignoring the objective data, many of them distorted, touched up as a design program to alter the face or the silhouette of a politician. The truth does not point to the worsening cries living conditions of millions of Chileans, 80% of us live half-lived jump from month to month, poverty climbs 18.9%, in fact the most economically unequal country either income (salary), and the third in the percentage of poor, when 10% is the set of OECD. Moreover, this measurement as the United Nations and the World Bank is 0.54, which puts us in the place 12 of the worst income distribution in the world, since according to the Gini coefficient which measures inequality in Chile is 0.50, when the average is 0.31 organization, inflation strangles us all day to kick you when a piece of bread in your mouth, outsourcing, precarious jobs, poor wages, long hours of to 12 and 14 hrs., nonpayment of overtime, bonuses (alms) as a form of economic social and psychological control, very poor and small houses whose value exceeds three times the actual value of a home, health is another joke bitter to the Chilean education every day to commercialize derechiza fact Lavin's arrival to the Ministry of Education suggests that the selective repression against workers, social activists and young people essentially. All these elements and more, is in addition the class collaboration by the reformist left (red Stalinist police) that have traditionally been accommodated, adapted, and have corrupted the social sectors (appealing to the discourse of Pinochet, the legality of break party or exclusion) is nothing more false, the traitorous left, reformist and collaborationist is directly responsible for the alienation of the Chilean and even more right-wing populism, call it the coalition expressed Bachelet, Lagos, now MEO, etc., only the theory of deception, hypocrisy, by the way of the cheap and that the alliance at a fraction of the national oligarchy is responsible for social control, which has been domesticated and in many cases bought union leaders and these political maneuvers asleep, the people who mostly are not a member of class and its vanguard less recognized by these parties, political organizations, unions and social NGOs that aim to replace the state under the gaze of the private (entrepreneurs), etc. Sold its principles (CPC) at a fraction operator (conclusion) or you insinuate a certain way in the levels of power, you become part of the decision-making (parliament Pinochet) to maintain social and political ills mentioned, because as we all know even a child fifth year of handling these items, which need to continue stealing the social and political control that is why these traitors to mask leftist revolutionaries and Marxists do not, and leave no progress. We must therefore reject them on the street, in the event, the union, the neighborhood committee in the club, the federation of students in the field when disguise solidarity with the Mapuche, Pinochet Congress but little else, is voting against them, against the Mapuche people, etc.

Therefore we must be mentioned clearly that the evils are necessary to neoliberal capitalism and its lackeys, henchmen and soap operas as for the existence of evil greedy rich must be general poverty. This comes to highlight one thing and that this, rather than expressing an objective reality, only expresses the findings, the definitions of the tasks to develop in our country after Rodriguista Unity Congress and only comes to synthesize an ideological on the neoliberal model, which is unique or, in concrete terms, speaks about the power of oligarchy, political and organizational structure, which is based and how we finish.

But another major problem arises for the revolutionary left Bachelet's arrival to the state administration, as well as the Alliance will have no real chance at all future elections held in Chile, whether municipal, parliamentary and presidential The election circus is no doubt the fence, the ideological basis of the lack of class identity of workers and social movement to transform itself into the popular movement and revolutionary class as the axis transformer and social pressure for social change. Now this new era which opens with the circus or sham election from the arrival of the alliance to the state administration, his government only operated by chapters Earthquake, World, miners, etc., there is nothing for poor workers and the government has instead invigorated neoliberal capitalist model opening a political arena full of contradictions flow conducive to revolutionary, and a new electoral victory for Conciliation-PC, despite the tacit rejection in opinion polls, this scenario the Concertación sought to create PC , false expectations that they will change and those who actually defends the people and that people will decide "democratically", and that vote and that the people will decide who will be the future representative in the municipal and city councilors, Representatives and Senators and so with the vote, with popular sovereignty legalize another stage of the Chilean oligarchy, when the truth, the reality is that declasse that people should vote for candidates selected by the power of the dollar. The electoral circus resolved and will not bring solutions to serious social problems that affect millions of Chilean background are the working class and poor. Consequently, this new stage "electoral" opening should serve the revolutionary movement to actively reject Pinochet and neoliberal institutionalism, legitimacy the miserable which is the central structure of the model. The electoral circus will be a new situation to face the class enemies of the people, armed with revolutionary alternative, and its new policy instrument for real combat class, composed of youth, women, workers, peasants, indigenous people and intellectuals, carrying out the program and control platform made of people's land claims. Alms
policy has dug deep into the conscience of Chileans and their hope is in charity Bachelet and up to us to reverse this situation and put on the table the need to drive up salaries to stop the political control social, thanks to charity economic. It is therefore important that all the popular and revolutionary aware that the only way forward in solving the social and political problems in Chile is the unit since that is the only viable tool possible to intervene in the consciousness of Chilean political paralysis and take this class and conscience, we must unite and fight directly within the disorganized people to reverse and realize the revolutionary political purposes. Non-realization of the unit, about what one is thinking, to what he writes in a role that must be the reflection of objective reality (as seen from my trench organizational) should not be an impediment to the revolutionary sectors honest, truly revolutionary advance on the road with all the problems, constraints and policy weaknesses, and to think my reality is one thing (the subjective), but the unit is the objective now why we must unite the forces of the disintegrated , how lost in the bottom of things, so if it is clear after the unit is the class position and struggle to cope with this change in the tide, the onset of flow Chilean revolutionary.

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