Demonstration against the war - Sevilla, Sunday, April 3
A single platform calls anti-war demonstration in Seville on Sunday April 3
APDHA - Communist Andalucía - Bartolomé de las Casas - CEDESPAZ - CGT - CUT-BAI - Ecologists in Action - In Control - Anti-Capitalist Left - Izquierda Unida LV-CA - Jaleo! - JCA - JIRA - Nación Andaluza - PCA - Platform for Solidarity with Palestine - SAT - UCAR - UJCE
SUPPORT: Casa de la Paz - Social Forum of Seville - Women in Black
No War
The undersigned organizations and groups want to express through this release our most resounding rejection of approval by the Security Council of the United Nations, the no-fly zone in Libyan territory, and our commitment to peace and against any foreign military intervention in any country. We welcome the mobilization of the Arab peoples of North Africa for social rights and democratic freedoms and condemn the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations against governments.
denounce the corporate media have made a quite deliberate use of information relating to conflicts that occurred in Libya, blatantly out of context and manipulating facts in order to impose in the West a distorted view of this country, leaving well prepared ideologically to justify intervention.
forcefully condemn the military intervention that are participating in several states, including Spain as one of the promoters of the war in the management of this crisis, and denounce the double standard with which these states justify their attacks under the pretext of defending human rights of the Libyan people, when they have never promoted the defense of these same human rights for people who are being subjected to genocide and the UN has also acknowledged its own resolutions, being the clearest examples peoples Sahrawi and Palestinian. We demand the prosecution of international leaders and in particular the various English governments have consented to the sale of weapons abroad.
no doubt, and we rely on past experience (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc) - to say that these interventions, far from seeking to protect the population, aim only robbing natural resources, oil and gas in the Libyan case and to this end and are meeting the energy ministers of the states attackers.
denounce the Government of the Kingdom of Spain to use the bases of Rota and Moron as essential sites of NATO military operations to attack other peoples endangering Andalusia. Again, our land will be used by foreign military bases, to bring death and destruction to other countries. The Pueblo Andaluz is facing a war without that we have been consulted.
must be understand that the Libyan people the only actor to decide the shape of its future as a nation, and the Libyan people that has to resolve conflicts and not foreign imperialist powers whose military intervention can only be translated into more victims and a worsening of living conditions of the population. Policies demand peace and disarmament, policies based on economic, social and cultural among peoples, as well as real and genuine respect for human rights worldwide. Military spending for social purposes.
We call Andalusian citizens to manifest their rejection of this new neo-colonial aggression and the use for that foreign military bases in our country.
PLATFORM AGAINST WAR http://www.sindicatoandaluz.org/
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