We are in the festivities of May 2.
bullfighting afternoons begin at the Monumental de Las Ventas.
fans eager to see a glorious afternoon of bullfighting, are screwed to the circular entrance to the historic venue.
not mind the heat, do not mind the cold. If you look to heaven is to launch a prayer: "it does not rain. Suspend not function. "
The stands are filling up with crowds that cheer the square with the spring variety of colors in light clothing, comfortable in men, stylish, elegant and stunning on some women. The
cigars between fingers and the lips of some men. Colorful fans aerate the faces of the ladies under his brimmed hats and expect to see showing off the bullfighter and, perhaps, be the owners of a personal dedication ...
The trumpets sound, announcing that the show is about to begin. Open doors that lead to the brave crews that go to the center of the arena to greet all staff. Dressed in suits Goya dark colors and silver threads that glitter in walking, while playing a paso doble and applause from the audience make the throbbing Plaza.

Organized the brave, sound the call that opens the door to the bullpen, where a jet-black bull rush to the sunny beach raising their hands to heaven, releasing air horns and going out to the first body is dancing.
Man and bull face still, silent forces measured eye to eye ... The man shows his cape, the bull kicks one of his hands with sand, is signal all waiting quietly.
charging bull, half man dodges with Veronica, his cape fluttering driven by pins while in the stands, is heard by every one: OOOOLÉ!
Man behind the bull who is watching, cheering with the cry of the fans: brave chest swells, shaking his jacket while walking down the beach with steps of a dancer.
Toro understands that the man vanidece a power that does not belong. Bravo again rammed against errant figure presumed to him.
Man Without Fear turns to luck mate, straight, feet stomping together sand, flexible waist holding the cape once again confuses the bull not understand the slack attack with full force of its nobility.
Man Without Fear turns to luck mate, straight, feet stomping together sand, flexible waist holding the cape once again confuses the bull not understand the slack attack with full force of its nobility.
Toro and man entwined in a dance of life and death.
The cheering fans as much bravery, the bull and the bullfighter, " doubles as the music sounds joy and celebration.
suddenly sounds a change of luck, silence gives way to the man who changed the cape for two barbs flagged in red and gold.
Man seeking a bull with shoulders raised, displaying the flags to bull looks at him.
Man and bull being considered for thrown against each other. The dance ends with two skewers stuck into the bull, jumping forward pulling pain that hurts him as the man walking behind him beating of trumpets and receiving acclaim from the stands.

Toro angry man who looks at him. You feel deceived and hurt. But even his forces are not tamed and the man who enviste sword in hand he wants to cheat again
But this time you can not. The animal is clever, learned that the lump that moves with your eyes is not to have to charge. Has to do against that other it off, right, is hoping cheat.
But this time you can not. The animal is clever, learned that the lump that moves with your eyes is not to have to charge. Has to do against that other it off, right, is hoping cheat.
Man falls to the sand, pushed and trampled by the bull that he injures furiously smote him, learning that black bull that will not help to be easily dominated by his sword. Toro
not understand where the ring came out so many packages, and much shouting from the top tiers, while all the capes assails you are released, until again another change of luck sounds
Men who retire the ring, giving way to horse barricaded with heavy tails and a long lance rider, willing to bite the bull until jet humiliate the noble brave.
Toro receiving nails hurt inside again, this time to honor bull strong and brave, with the Shiv feels his strength is weak, getting stronger the safe and emboldened rival, viewed from the center of the ring, while one long stick tight and goes deep into her spine and spreads her legs causing vertebrae to lose the strength that holds your body.
For once the bull feels that the step is with him, the boos are for anyone from hurting the horse mercilessly.
warning lights Man the bull loses strength and requests a change of luck for with sword in hand, to the dance steps that will take at the end of the battle. Toro
released from the puja that runs the arena throwing furious assaults on the packages that come their way, until finally a single package awaits focused on the sand. Male
and again faced bull. The stands in silence watching the ring. Toro
running eager to nail their horns on the lump that was humiliated.
Man awaits the dump and get your sword while the music again sounds at the same time a cry again yells OOOOLEEÉ!
Toro and man dance together minutes of fame going writing which of the two enjoy the final triumph. Toro
have wounds that bleed, your eyes are clouded, fatigue weakens him.

Toro torero spear rammed in a final, where they feel something hot comes and sticks his neck in his heart, making their double legs and strong body falls up the ring, without understanding why they shout olé! from the stands ...
... or why it weaker rival turns his body with arm raised and his cap in hand to cheers as the music end of new sounds in the distance and sees only darkness and ... , while a last heartbeat echoes in your ears than anything, listen now.
A final burst of light in your mind, lets see a picture of himself, free and noble. Sniffing the wildflowers that are born each spring in his beloved and peaceful Dehesa ...
The bull is my command-and Taurus I'm good, "has on me as the power of a" Totem "and I have felt since forever.
Like safeguard cultural traditions of my country Noble. But does not prevent me from harm rebel in the name of tradition, you do to any living being. We have evolved towards a more humane and consistent with the natural environment. This is what we prioritize.
I like to see a brave man to face the bull. I can even justify that you do with a sword in his hand, as the bull with horns and much stronger than the bullfighter.
I like to see and feel the festive atmosphere of the square. I like to watch dancing man and the Toro, a Good chicuelinas and Veronicas.
But ... I hate to see suffer the bull with flags and Shiv.
even disown, that is slaughtered in the ring, with the grandstand view of the bloody obscene.
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