By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza
known today new steps to fascism and dictatorship open partisan group of terrorist fascist coup Hondurans, desperate for the fence that they have the people of cowardly Honduras.Agreden a manifestation of women, reported the disappearance of revolutionary, patriotic and democratic fighters and anti-dictatorship.
still imperialist maneuvers under the guise of dialogue and use the puppet of imperialism, Arias, ensnare and secure the legitimate government of President Zelaya.Debemos Arias note that part of the coup plan and he used to that. Their mission - as well as receive Zelaya when he was sent to Costa Rica, who is sure that he knew was there - is to be submitted as a hypocrite Santico - as a carrier of positions and propositions President Zelaya match with the team to sell factious and impose a "diplomacy" dirty "peace", "understanding", "conciliation" and other crap of them creeping up to a negotiator in the service of imperialism.
In this situation we must strengthen and express the solidarity of all peoples with the Honduran people. This is not a problem called Obama and the malfeasance of international organizations. It is a problem of people on the street everywhere, because the strike is for all stroke is a search partes.Este imperialist maneuver to keep the world unipolar, that things depend on them in Washington.
And while presidents, organizations, diplomats from the nations from a position, process design and social progress are calling and asking Obama to "do something", which is being done is to make him again in Washington as the center of the world and make everything multipolarism has said in a pure exercise in blablasificación, and we should not pueblko blablasificar the Honduran and so worthily popular movement that is fighting in the streets, and step will be lowering the real role of all agencies created under the guidance revolutionary nationalist.
The fact is that imperialism is playing the all. Clear. Failure was left to the Clinton and imperialism the handling of negotiations. It was them and gave them the time and mechanisms to be handled in the crisis, putting expand charges against the other countries and other elements of his plan in motion, while still acting in words.
The fight is on the streets worldwide. Even in moving sectors and popular movements of Latin America, latirles in the cave and that should be the contribution of the popular movement estadounidense.Honduras is the current center of a spiral that encircles the world, the blow is not in Honduras, is worldwide. And what it exposes the Obama put there: to retrieve the unipolar world with the apparent magnitudes that they created their power.
All while behind the royal government continued to rule as a mask to hide behind the U.S. government, the same members of the imperialist clique Daddy Bush and Company, quuienes knocked down the towers in New York, created and used and use the issue of Al-Qaeda, invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine torture infinitely, beat North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and continue their seemingly hidden fence against China, which as I said in the article when knocked down the towers is the main objective of the whole plot.
And for now seek to turn America, put all Centramérica in a war to dominate territory and unite to Colombia with a dominated also dominated Central America, joining in the meantime to Panama to Honduras and Costa Rica's Arias, while also threatening to hit Guatemala and launch provocations against Nicaragua.Por we must put the record straight.
Let the world know that is the whole world is at stake. And Honduras is a sort of combination of Spain and Czechoslovakia, which led to the War mundial.Sólo all people in the street, a mass politics that took the initiative to imperialism. Initiative like it or not have at the moment, in the case of Honduras. Only a major global mass mobilization prevent becoming Honduras in Czechoslovakia, Spain and in the third decade of last century and Poland seek to pass the next step, or not get it, already have it, but to implement those steps.
What we are looking for is the chamberlaizniación of Honduras. And unfortunately, they are succeeding, but there is still time to defeat, provided the mobilization of the people at large in the world, which is not being done at the level you need.
From Juangriego Nueva Esparta state, the symbol of one of the many posters produced by the Resistance in Honduras, we confirm once again the solidarity of the Communist Juangriego and the inhabitants of the municipality Marcano with the Honduran people.
continue this fight until victory is achieved and return the legitimate government of President Zelaya, unconditionally, the Honduran people conquer their claim to participation, ownership, its Constitution that is the product of the people and not the oligarchy and to develop the popular anti-imperialist movement.
The new conditions will be called Obama and powers, the international diplomatic agencies, to "manifest" - in that, in "obvious" - but in fact seeking to entangle the tie and legitimate government paralyze the Honduran popular movement and the world, but mobilization of people that will determine the success of the Honduran people.
The people of the world, in solidarity by all means, mobilizations of street demonstrations, solidarity strikes, vigils, reporting direct intervention of imperialism, all possible initiatives in solidarity with the Honduran people are necessary and positive this time, and the way to defeat imperialism in Honduras. Stressing
, reaffirm and strengthen solidarity with Honduras, Juangriego communists continue our contribution to the Honduran people.
Source: Communist Rebellion Juangriego Marinera
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