By: Homar Garcés
become pariahs in their own land, the Palestinians refuse to be victims without resistance ethnocide and genocide, even before its formal establishment in 1948, to undertake the racist state of Israel against him before an international community that indifferent to their fate and unable to do something really effective and immediate action to stop such actions, which, of course, fit perfectly into the category of state terrorism and war crimes. Such
Palestinian tragedy has hardly deserved the odd outstanding journalistic report, most of the time according to official versions of the Israeli government, where the roles are reversed, being presented Palestinians as barbarians fans to death and senseless violence, a product of religious fanaticism that makes them hate the Western culture, while the Zionists present themselves as a paradigm of civilization in the Middle East, guided by a moral purpose beyond dispute.
This explains the silent discrimination and not officially accepted for the Arabs, an issue that is reinforced by the stereotypical image created selfishly for American cinema, which has come to stay in the minds of many people misinformed and manipulated by large oligopolistic firms and transnational communication, many of which are run by gringos usually and European support, in turn, politically and economically to the State of Israel warmongering.
With all this in his favor, Israel has allowed terrorist actions outrageous and unjustified is euphemistically called retaliation, causing the Palestinian people blood, sweat and bitter tears, in what has been a constant demonstration of the calculated brutality of the Zionist does not exclude murder and arbitrary evictions of entire populations, only under the assumption (never confirmed) to provide support to armed groups and representative Palestinians who resist Israeli military occupation of their ancestral lands.
This is compounded by the mass kidnapping of people of these territories (and their subsequent relocation outside the "natural" borders Israel), their indefinite imprisonment without appeal or a court order, and aircraft piracy and boats of different depth, however, are not included in the extensive existing history of these events worldwide, not to mention illegal and clandestine incursions into sovereign spaces of other nations, constituting a practice that violates international law and UN resolutions.
This last point is worth remembering the attacks of the IDF to Tunisia, Libya, Iraq and what came to be known in the eighties the last century its "security zone in southern Lebanon", something that served as background to the current doctrine of preventive war adopted and implemented by gringo imperialism in its efforts to preserve and expand its global hegemony.
As Noam Chomsky refers in his book Pirates and Emperors, "Israeli propaganda system and its many affiliates Americans (construed, U.S.) may complain bitterly that the crimes are overlooked Arabs, while Israel is subject to a detailed examination for the slightest flaw, given the density of information. " Information
them that evidence-on what it means U.S. doctrinal system, a pro-Israeli bias in the daily coverage of asymmetric warfare against Zionism holding the original inhabitants of Palestine.
In this case, the terrorists of the State of Washington and Tel-Aviv agree on a common purpose: to conceal and distort his atrocities on the basis of the New Order who aspire to long for the Middle East, all according to their interests, so that the rule of the war will continue its ongoing political line and its main instrument of domination, despite many efforts to the contrary are made in that region, including the acceptance of the State of Israel on Palestinian land .-
Source: Tribuna Popular / Edition: Sailor Communist Rebellion Juangriego
become pariahs in their own land, the Palestinians refuse to be victims without resistance ethnocide and genocide, even before its formal establishment in 1948, to undertake the racist state of Israel against him before an international community that indifferent to their fate and unable to do something really effective and immediate action to stop such actions, which, of course, fit perfectly into the category of state terrorism and war crimes. Such
Palestinian tragedy has hardly deserved the odd outstanding journalistic report, most of the time according to official versions of the Israeli government, where the roles are reversed, being presented Palestinians as barbarians fans to death and senseless violence, a product of religious fanaticism that makes them hate the Western culture, while the Zionists present themselves as a paradigm of civilization in the Middle East, guided by a moral purpose beyond dispute.
This explains the silent discrimination and not officially accepted for the Arabs, an issue that is reinforced by the stereotypical image created selfishly for American cinema, which has come to stay in the minds of many people misinformed and manipulated by large oligopolistic firms and transnational communication, many of which are run by gringos usually and European support, in turn, politically and economically to the State of Israel warmongering.
With all this in his favor, Israel has allowed terrorist actions outrageous and unjustified is euphemistically called retaliation, causing the Palestinian people blood, sweat and bitter tears, in what has been a constant demonstration of the calculated brutality of the Zionist does not exclude murder and arbitrary evictions of entire populations, only under the assumption (never confirmed) to provide support to armed groups and representative Palestinians who resist Israeli military occupation of their ancestral lands.
This is compounded by the mass kidnapping of people of these territories (and their subsequent relocation outside the "natural" borders Israel), their indefinite imprisonment without appeal or a court order, and aircraft piracy and boats of different depth, however, are not included in the extensive existing history of these events worldwide, not to mention illegal and clandestine incursions into sovereign spaces of other nations, constituting a practice that violates international law and UN resolutions.
This last point is worth remembering the attacks of the IDF to Tunisia, Libya, Iraq and what came to be known in the eighties the last century its "security zone in southern Lebanon", something that served as background to the current doctrine of preventive war adopted and implemented by gringo imperialism in its efforts to preserve and expand its global hegemony.
As Noam Chomsky refers in his book Pirates and Emperors, "Israeli propaganda system and its many affiliates Americans (construed, U.S.) may complain bitterly that the crimes are overlooked Arabs, while Israel is subject to a detailed examination for the slightest flaw, given the density of information. " Information
them that evidence-on what it means U.S. doctrinal system, a pro-Israeli bias in the daily coverage of asymmetric warfare against Zionism holding the original inhabitants of Palestine.
In this case, the terrorists of the State of Washington and Tel-Aviv agree on a common purpose: to conceal and distort his atrocities on the basis of the New Order who aspire to long for the Middle East, all according to their interests, so that the rule of the war will continue its ongoing political line and its main instrument of domination, despite many efforts to the contrary are made in that region, including the acceptance of the State of Israel on Palestinian land .-
Source: Tribuna Popular / Edition: Sailor Communist Rebellion Juangriego