Ivan Fontan, accused of throwing a flare at the recital de La Renga and kill Miguel Ramirez, sent a handwritten letter to Rolling Stone, in which, inter textual references the band's songs and own words, why was the pyrotechnics, dodged the security controls and decided to run it through the crowd.
Fontan's manuscript says, "I took the gig because Bengal and had never got on no, I thought it was a very large open space, and would be my chance, however remote from the people, for not disturbing anyone, as the topic says opening [the show April 30] ("Galactic Cannibalism"), the fury of the beast Rock wanted to 'play the Cosmos',' sounded the drums in my mind ', and I also believe that "traffics a bit of excitement' at that time 'I stopped being' for 'me song! " (La Renga is an amazing band that does not encourage doing evil, quite the contrary, I sent out many times and wanted to offer up something).
Fontan said he saw the flare went off "was paralyzed, never I thought I could pass it, I could not enjoy the rest of the show in the distance, and went to wreck the tide pogo "he says." It hurt to think that I hurt anyone in the racetrack, including workers, musicians, children, friends and finally me. When I heard about the accident I felt a deep void, a terrible pain and the need to face, venting that way, "continues the letter, as published by Rolling Stone.
addition, the text adds:" I came just to see to (support band) The Richieri, I listened carefully and I am satisfied enough to go rock, then I went first, congratulated them, share the evening laughing, witness the evening with snapshots next to 'the Ruteros the Way' ( so we called the band's followers) who came from Buenos Aires and some other side with a rag (flag) I did the day before the recital, we sprayed a mist at sunset, like a magic moment, until he started La Renga and well, from then on everything became darker for me. "
Noting the death of Ramirez, Fontán that communicated with a friend." I contacted (with La Richieri) to see if they were closer than they knew anything more than Michael, "said Fontan.
"For such cases there are no words of comfort or even know if I deserve forgiveness, when I want to call more to provide any assistance for their recovery, whatever it was within my reach. In desperation was capable of anything, "reads the letter.
last April 30, Miguel Ramirez witnessed a performance of La Renga at Autodromo de La Plata when he received a flare in the neck. Ramirez, 32, father of two children and whose wife is 7 months pregnant, was admitted to the hospital that night Alejandro Korn in the town of Melchor Romero Plata, where he died nine days later.
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