Monday, May 16, 2011

Toture Scenes From Movies


What is it that we are concerned when we hear our politicians speak? It is the feeling that his words hide the truth or perhaps the pride of their actions to believe in impunity?
make laws for the corrupt can not continue in politics and seeking life on other sectors, how common criminals when they occupied high positions in society?.
But by golly, those are just involved in corruption schemes that can present itself, and there are, on the electoral lists must now consult.
And I wonder: Why do corrupt politicians is presumed innocent without changing anything in their lives, and the common officer, either military or Afghan Lebanese campaigns, rather than a police officer on duty either urban or treasurers technicians or firefighters are saving lives in a fire, when they err in their work, removing a tank should not have been exploded, forcibly detaining an offender who refuses to be stopped, authorizing a license may later be proven illegal in some points or feeling incapacitated for some reason beyond it to save another person from the flames, why me they simply ask officials are presumed guilty until proven otherwise?
Why was the politician stays in office while appearing before the judge to prove his innocence, and the military, police, technical, fireman ... he retires from his job and leaving them without pay until the trial is shown that they are not guilty of the charges made to them?
Why some are presumed innocent and other culprits? Why?
why the former have maintained their salaries and pensions, have demonstrated that they are NOT innocent and others were left without pay automatically, until they prove they are NOT guilty ?
are trying to outlaw parties that do not share the laws-which is logical, and yet are prepared and legalized electoral lists that keep criminal suspects, who did not meet those same laws - is this logical? -
please explain it to me, but explíquenmelo fast. Because Sunday is approaching and I feel with the obligation rather than the right of to vote. To give a useful vote for democracy. Useful to my country. Useful for the unemployed to find employment. Useful for young people to have a future within our borders. Useful for the elderly have decent homes. Useful for public health to be effective, modern and truly public. Useful for a business is not done by our health. Useful for reaching public education for all, and ceases to exist the great failing at school, where teachers and teachers are respected and their teachings dignified. Useful for all reach retirement without fear of not charging our deserved pension. Useful to get out of this global crisis. Never useful to introduce us in wars under false pretenses ...
profits could go on listing for my vote, but would have it shortened Useful for elected politicians to work for and for this great country and not just for their pockets.
Hard we have with this electoral landscape ...


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