We are exactly one year of initiating the work of a group of newspapers Digital Blogs so far, as part and implementation of a Comprehensive Plan which aims to promote the installations for a number of newspapers on Communists, one from each state and one for each municipality, which would be a great Network Communication within the exploding Internet communication, you have in Venezuela among the countries with the highest growth in visitors and readers .-
begin with a Carrizal Municipality Blog - Here's ...! Carrizal Communists, who for a short time he was alone, but soon got underway in several other newspapers and Regional Municipalities and already today has Regional Newspaper edition, covers all the municipalities of the state and Parishes with periodic advances and cells, with increasing attention.
There is a good host visits a year of initiation and are accompanied by newspapers in other states - cases of Carabobo, Anzoátegui, Nueva Esparta, Caracas - from visits around the country and an unexpected attention and expansion visits many countries in all continents .-
sure that will expand the experience, the good results to be taking as it applies and expands, it will become truly a tool of communication and dissemination of ideas Communists in national
.- As soon in the case of Miranda we already have enough newspapers and websites installed - with varying degrees of attention, certainly, some sufficient, others moderately, others very little, almost non-existent in others but also, and this is auspicious, growing in all the attention incorporation and visits - to give them a structure, and that is what we will undertake with the initiation of the organization of the "Communist Mirandinos Communication Network (REDECCOMI), which is in the best celebration of the October 9, day in activity that began the first newspaper here is ...! Communist Carrizal, whose name is now used for regional activities, while Popular Carrizal Communist Rebellion takes the municipality spokesperson Carrizal.
We are confident - especially with the increasing incorporation of comrades to write and deal with newspapers - they will soon have a whole Communist Mirandinos Communication Network (REDECCOMI) active and combative, ready to take to the streets and readers ideological and political line of the Communist Party of Venezuela in the State where Miranda and reach each of the newspapers, probably also accompanied by printed journals to support and to support Digital Network.
Mirandinos hope that this network (REDECCOMI) constituted soon reach only a small part of a Communication major Communist National Network National extended to all states and municipalities, Municipal constituted Pages Drafting Tables Regionals and these points of support while our Drafting Tables Digital Journal Tribuna Popular, which head presides image This article .-
Source: People's Communist Rebellion
http://rebeldiapopular-carrizal.blogspot Carrizal, com /
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