The recent expressions of Pesuve leader Hugo Chavez the Communist Party of Venezuela do not do any good to the unity of the revolutionaries, which is the real guarantee of progress towards socialism .-
These attacks are part of a process of taxation is to be met for the purposes of liquidating the revolutionary parties to form a single party - called by its members the Party of the Revolution - but in reality is a multi-class party, "involving wide areas of people: workers, peasants, middle poor, but also with a broad domain in many sectors and states of the country than within them is called the right, composed of bourgeois entrepreneurs, petty, who openly defend their class interests within the Party .- There
as a pawn of President Hugo Chávez Pesuve, to end the PCV. They seem to weigh that there is a large Party of the revolutionary path VCP, which has broad public confidence as a proven reliability Party as the Party of the Working Class, with a clear road map of Sociaslismo struggle with the vision and support political and ideological theory of struggle and organization to advance Communism as a socio-political structure that truly liberate humanity from exploitation
.- One of the scratches and arguments is that since December last year called for unity in a single party. That was a narrow view which was expressed there. The Communist Party of Venezuela - as Comrade Perfect Nieves said in a statement recently - introduced a Proyercto for the formation of that party and not even answered. That is, a tremendous example of unilateralism and imprecision unilateralidad.Igual appeared in the nominations, where the top leader of that organization even said that if they could not reach unit candidates in all states and municipalities, so that each who launched his own. So what's the problem? .-
is questionable counterrevolutionary traitors and communists for having failed agreements - for example in Trujillo - is in agreement with other forces that are revolutionary, a breakthrough program popular, also walking towards socialism, although no agreement with the candidate that supports Chávez and the PSUV? .-
As is well is not cheating, you could also say that they are counterrevolutionaries and traitors because some do not support the set of the Patriotic Alliance forces that are present in an agreement. In all other cases is the same.
There are situations: we will not endorse a candidate for governor who ran on the working class in different situations, especially workers of Sidor. Or a candidate from political compromise rather than nepotism type, endogenous rightist. -
Similar cases exist in the nominations for Alcaldes.Imposiciones, traps, use of machinery, lack of leadership which will not start, French Law, which is delivered once the position of those is more than one .-
In such cases, the PCV has been set aside to ensure progress in the process revolucionariuo endorse candidates or uo either from the other Party Alliance Party or independent. Is that a counter-revolutionary position? You have to disappear in the Communist Party of Venezuela for that? .-
This position is superb and arrogant, exclusive, and if accused of wanting to maintain or escalate positions to other forces because few candidates launch what is true of whom wants everything for himself and his party? It is to be in good Venezuelan agallúo .-
That must be pointing it out to anyone in either of himself to correct those behaviors that are not good, much less the process in which we are committed todos.Las threats do not go with the Communist Party of Venezuela. Neither the facts nor law enforcement, as demonstrated throughout our history. It should be clear Pesuve leader Hugo Chavez that his threats do not we make a dent. To get off the tag away to the Communists .-
should be clear and from there you can act in unity on issues such as: What
communist militancy as a whole, over 95% of the militancy was clear and decided that the PCV is not dissolved, and the time we has been proved right, when we observe the situation in the multiclass own Pesuve, when we realized daily claims, complaints, questions, etc.que are published continuously.
That call was a possibility Perfect Alliance and the Communist Party of Venezuela fought like the most about her and continues to be national, regional and local formulas and ways to achieve the maximum possible .-
That regardless of the strategic importance at this time of elections, no more than a skirmish tactics, and be separated into several governors and mayors do not mean a break in the strategic possibilities of the unit following That open-
where the unit has achieved all must move forward because that means strengthening the progress of the revolution and the creation of popular power in these Governments and Municipalities .-
That there is still time for new agreements in accordance to reflect the numbers of electoral campaigns and the respective situations.
respect that must prevail with the parties and without fanfare prepotenters Allied Forces and proud to lead nowhere.
As Communist affirm the view that the Communist Party is a fundamental force of the world revolutionary process in Latin America and in our country that must be followed as part of Working class and will not dissolve in multi-class matches, and that it is a vision of Communists around the world linked to the progress that the Communist Parties have been experiencing in all continents, of which Venezuela is no exception.
continue to advance in everywhere, like here in Carrizal, for example, we do, in other nearby municipalities in Miranda and the entire country. Our membership
cell nuclei of members, supporters and friends to participate with us in numerous political and social activities, are perfectly clear about their Vote Red, the Red Rooster to carry Rivero Argimiro John Stone and the Legislative Council with the card Red Rooster, Miranda for our program through the consolidation of the People and the advance to socialism .-
be clear: The Communist Party of Venezuela does not destroy anyone!!
are moving with the Communist Party and the Working Class, the true subject driver concerned and collective leading the fight for Socialism and Communism .-
Source: People's Communist Rebellion
http://rebeldiapopular-carrizal.blogspot Carrizal . com
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