Please humanitarian never be me! Lessons Please humanitarian never be me!
Monday, March 21, 2011 10:21 English State - Politics
(A reflection of the writer Sara Rosenberg for insurgents) .- To attack Iraq lied about the existence of chemical weapons, launched their relentless bombs and today is a shattered country, with hundreds of thousands of deaths and appalling poverty. In Libya again lie when they hear the so-called ceasefire. The Libyan government offered dialogue, a cease-fire and called impartial observers involved in Benghazi, to ascertain what was happening. But nothing, absolutely nothing has served, once the warlords decided that the invasion is more profitable than peace. Because they had already decided prior to arming the media quickly dubbed the "rebels" when terrorists always call those who protest. But
that asks a shocked public, not "help" the rebels never Bahreim, Yemen, Palestine, Colombia, in many countries where dictatorships are folded true? It is strange, and fills me with doubts.
is their war, but not ours. That I have no doubt. No decent citizen
accept the share of death that we are imposing.
Governments like ours, that lie and are corrupt from top to bottom, do not deserve anyone's trust. And less confidence in that appeal on behalf of "democracies" that are no model of democracy for any people with half a brain. Democracies of the oligarchs courtiers and the mourners seated in chairs parliamentary crisis response babbling invented for the profit of the banks which solved. Banks have never made so much money in these years of over-exploitation of workers. Mortgages are an armed robbery. Depletion of social spending captured by the regional maffia. Unfair labor laws and ongoing privatization of health, education, and all social rights for which so many fought before us. Or are they capable of governing, either alternating parties in this ping-pong without corruption sinister constant as a support, without the economic disaster caused by the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands.
That is the democratic system in which we live. When they do invest in creating decent work and social conditions but in wars that only enrich the owners of the oil majors, which will continue to pay increasingly expensive gasoline, electricity and gas for our homes . Or has not been and you?
I do not want to be humane or that anyone is me or the people of my city and my neighborhood.
us not be fooled by their moral discourse. Act with the utmost immorality and have to look at the problems facing this crisis of capitalist accumulation, which weighs about the loss of the right and basic work on monthly bills.
War, military spending, the huge human cost in lives, not only deepen the crisis but will give more weapons to continue plundering those natural resources that are unable to produce in their own countries. Governments are nothing more than managers of large enterprises. And businesses need cheap labor and high prices on essential commodities. Or has not been and you?
is time to reflect on our own lifestyle. Japan is showing it clearly. Announced nuclear disasters, disasters that are the result of a system based only on the law of maximum profit for some few.
But we need as a herd, that herd confused by information that prevents evil thinking. Confused flock, obedient flock. Accustomed to obey to keep the crumbs that fall from the master's table, when the master wants and not by right. "This is our democracy? Is this what we want to teach people who suffer double exploitation of looting and war? "These gentlemen are going to" liberate "the peoples of dictators who have been doing good business and succulent until yesterday?
are unable in their own countries, are unable to organize an independent economy of natural resources that are going to plunder in these wars. Beat with our youth when they occupy a house, fight against workers demanded the right to work, but they are absolutely incapable of creating jobs, because they only want big dividends, corporate warriors to take big dividends for very few, and not lower prices of our bills but earn more because of crime.
are also unable to tell the truth and play with the cards cleaning of peace, the only concern to us that we have nothing to lose. Use speeches
flawed, terrible lies and these lies as truths are shot on a citizenry that does not want to be involved in this new war, this new slaughter of the civilian population of another country. One more.
The church is silent and grants. Leaning intellectuals-if not fattened in the shadow of power, speaks of "lesser evil."
But we, ordinary citizens, precarious by capital, disorganized that trade unions have allied with the employers again and again, because political parties can not do more than starchy parliamentary speeches, we citizens of this country, we do not want bloody oil. We do not want this war and we oppose it, because we know that business is a casualty of the same people who exploit and steal from us every day. Each
people are sovereign and must find his way. No invasion was justified. Neither can be held morally or legally.
What if a province, a region, a group of people decide to separate from the central government of Spain? If that group had been armed by colonial interests, because their land is under a lot of oil, or coal or whatever? Suppose, let's play guess. Obama, Sarkozy and others, supported by the circus show called UN-NATO, have the right to bomb the whole country, "begin by Madrid with a ton of those missiles beautiful night-to keep the province, region or country rich in mineral and strategic resources? I'm guessing. I thinking on equal terms. I'm thinking of who is or is not fair according to international law. You can not break the law out and pretend it does not do the same with us. Can not break international law as well.
What does the emulator of the cowboys, the pony of Elyseo taking that old turkey breast?
What does the eyebrow promised no more war after the 11-M?
What does the black and white that promised change and peace and health and education. What you do with Guantámo and New Orleans, with its 40. precarious million unemployed citizens? Each one of its planes and missiles could be used to feed many people, open food cooperatives, improve health, sow the land, changing the healthy energy nuclear energy. But the boss? The lords of the business of war. None
useless. Color they are, are all simple managers of the enterprise of war, which is the business of death, a monopoly that destroys us, makes us complicit in a crime, that if human, more humane and inhumane, that little word mean, that odious euphemism by which name the bombing of unarmed civilians.