The "XIV APPEAL TO THE CONGRESS OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF VENEZUELA", conducted by the Party Central Committee at its thirty-first plenary session last August, it becomes an occasion for a comprehensive review of the national reality, to define policies and roads in the development of the revolutionary process of our country on track to socialism.
Note the breadth of appeal to the Communist Congress XIV, when it refers not only to a call to the militancy of the Party - COMMUNIST PARTY OF VENEZUELA - but the CPV Central Committee calls on "militant communist and workers at, and all the Venezuelan people .-
The XIV APPEAL TO NATIONAL CONGRESS PCV, to include along with our membership," to the workers and the Venezuelan people " , gives a great extent the process of deliberation and participation, as we allow greater openness in discussions and the study of national and international reality.
be largely a study of a wide range for our bodies to carry out basic cellular, functional, local management agencies, regional and national, for meetings, workshops and study ideological, political, reality local, regional, national, grassroots organization .-
Everything for that besides the actual action of the militants inside, they can develop broader conference with the participation of "the workers" in their workplaces and labor unions, and - a few more .. better - members of "the Venezuelan people, in their different environments participation political, social, popular power.
This breadth of view regarding the implementation process of the Fourteenth Congress of the VCP creates the environment and conditions for most participacióin possible, and while the possibility of extending the framework of relationships and connections that require Communist Party of the society within which it operates.
In our case, in Venezuela, currently working on the development of the process of culmination of national liberation in progress, the march towards socialism, with an eye on communism as the goal that really gives meaning to the struggles of the Communist Party of Venezuela and the Venezuelan people
.- I believe this breadth in the development of the XIV Congress of the CPV will be a factor to consider in advance for party organizations - cellular, managerial, functional - for the development of the respective Contribution Plans meetings, discussions and activities.
In our case, PrensaPopularSolidaria__ComunistasMiranda, we're from and turned into a platform to serve the XIV Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela, as surely they will also all other spokesmen Regional, Local, Parish, Functional and Cellular Network members Mirandinos Communist Communication (REDECCOMI), as consolidation and expansion becomes an important objective related to Congress.
Health, Comrades, and to a productive XIV Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela, in the ideological, political, organizational growth and strong links with the Venezuelan people!
Source: PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda
Mail: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com
Editing: Marinera Communist Rebellion Juangriego
http://pcvjuangriego-rebeldiamarinera . blogspot.com /
Mail: pcvjuangriego@gmail.com
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