From XXXI Meeting of the Central Committee Plenum of the Communist Party of Venezuela announced the Call of the XIV Congress of the CPV.
The process of conducting a Communist Congress, in this case the XIV Congress of the CPV, which will go a long way to understand the respective appeal and preparation of materials and thesis by the National Agencies, Conditions of Participation, Regulations of the respective conferences of regional, local and cellular, is always a important factor to awaken and develop the initiative of the Party as a whole, at all levels and particularly of every militant in their own training as a cadre of the party.
Regardless of the setting of deadlines and milestones to regulatory compliance forces us of democratic centralism, in terms of schedule and the specific conditions of the Congress party work alongside the organic cell each day as well as compliance on individual tasks of each militant, a Congress always helps us to improve the strength of our organization and our cadres formacuión. In this sense, each Congress is a basic factor the advancement of the Communist Parties and to achieve the successful implementation of policies decided.
The Communist Party, in their organization, as in the ideological preparation, ability to implement policies, to organize ourselves as a party, and to organize the working class, peasantry and the exploited in general, to fight the transformation of the Company and the elimination of exploitation, we define ourselves primarily as cadre party.
words, parties formed by people capable of operating at any corcunstancia - up individually, if that were the case - with ideological clarity, capable of implementation policy at the level concerned with driving organizational efficiency and struggles, both internally in the Party itself, as in fulfilling our mission in people's organizations, unions, farmers, neighborhood, sectoral activities practitioners, and the type of question.
A picture, then, is every communist to comply with these requirements, which further indicates a level of class consciousness of the need for ongoing training that is given and meets every day in the life of the proprietary processes Partido.Los the realization of Communist congresses are an important stimulus to the training of party cadres. The announcement of the completion in the near future once the Fourteenth Congress, will then serve to strengthen our cadres of the Party cell.
Communist Congresses help the party increase of mysticism as they force the militants to understand their role to the party and to the working class, to society in general, as part of the vanguard in the struggle for transformation society of exploiters in society free of exploitation and the role it plays play in this struggle.
is why the Fourteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela, is, in fact, at this time, a call to each of our militant cell for that we use to develop our own individual process, assisted in the support of our cellular bodies of militancy, to elevate our level as communists, and real pictures of the revolution.
To strengthen our study, our readings, our participation in the collective development of cellular organisms, the policies that we apply in our circles of party work - trade unions, peasant organizations, neighborhood associations, community councils, cultural centers, youth , women's work - in short, which operate the cell to which we are attached.
In a sense, a Communist Congress is measured - or at least that should be one of the measuring instruments - the ability to gather in the whole process for substantially raising the ideological level, political, and organic integration of militancy in the process of Congress, at the level of cells, organs intermediate address (local, regional) and national character, but where the greatest importance lies precisely in the ability to demonstrate to the general improvement which comprises the entire membership.
This great opportunity of the XIV Congress of the VCP, as a basis for improving the quality of our membership as a revolutionary cadre, will surely be fulfilled. The current historical conditions of our country, every day raise the need for a strong Communist Party of Venezuela, formed ideologically and politically, without fissures, organizational capacity at all levels and fronts that we serve, able to defend the revolutionary process in all fields, in all events, in the present circumstances, whatever.
This implies, then, that the responsibility for the success of the XIV Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela, it is not going to take over the Politburo, Central Committee, the Regional and Local Committees, but will be the responsibility of each one of the militants currently framed in the cells, of which fall from here on, in this current process, which we consider reconstruction party, after having gone through serious tests, in a sense, came to threaten the very existence of the Party.
Understanding that the current political reality in the world, on the Continent, in our country, every region, locality, Business, Quarter, Population Sector, is claiming the presence of a strong Communist Party, organized, able to conduct Venezuelan people's struggle toward building real face of socialism, that is, on the way to Communism, and Communism in the spotlight.
And this is nothing that makes us claim that society to be ever more courageous and better communist cadres, and where no other option but to be, to achieve our best. By achieving our elevation as revolutionary cadres throughout our membership, we also improve our fundamental partisan agency militrancia, cells, and all others who require structure and work of the Party.
Achieving that goal is the challenge for each member of the PCV in this great partisan mobilization must be the XIV Congress of the Communist Party of Venezuela. Whose result should be that of a genuine cadre party, able to guide, organize and mobilize the different organizations in which they perform Communist activity daily.
Source: PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda
Mail: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com