First I think therefore I am" covered by this philosophical principle entered the bar and cross Ouramérica, not wanting to see that our ancestors were human beings like themselves, the wiped out, destroying their lives and all traces of their culture, arguing that by not being baptized were not children of God, just when most creatures of God and therefore as the 5th commandment refers only to the children of God, were not committing any sin.
thinking I recall this situation in Venezuela and analyzing the statements released by the FARC-EP, one, the former governor Alan Jara, says with some surprise that the guerrillas are not finished because there are young people 18 to 20 years could see: that behind the closed padlock on the chain that kept him attached to the immovable mountain clubs and behind every gun is a young Colombian guerrilla.
former governor not understand Jara how can a young Colombian guerrillas joins where no pay, no vacations, no benefits, do not see the former governor from which these young Colombians, because for him and for all Colombian bourgeoisie and its minions are invisible, they are invisible farmers, laborers from their farms, indigenous, workers, artisans, intellectuals and all the exploited Colombians are only visible young bourgeoise and its logic should not be ... the guerrillas.
former governor is not abandoning the field by the state, stalking and indigenous farmers by paramilitary tierracogientes and spread terror to make them move and seize their lands, not the former governor sees the vile exploitation by transnational and national capital of the Colombian working class contained the killing of trade unionists do not see the former governor of the state terrorism apparent in the false positives, the death sentences for journalists and anyone who dares raise his voice in defense of the people, implemented by the high officials of the regime.
Another, former deputy Sigfredo Lopez, welcomed the "great" marches against the FARC-EP, expects four million Colombians are mobilized for peace, but no message with respect to the other party of Colombians to them invisible, over 90% of the inhabitants of that country that only appear in the census figures and those of UNHCR.
No mention by the former deputy of social inequality on the gringo interference, which shielded the "war on drugs" controls, encourages, supports and guarantees the supply of narcotics and, using U.S. taxpayers' money through the "Plan Colombia", is used to combat subversion (those who seek to subvert order in Colombia, "make the invisible visible.")
Fortunately both the former governor and former congressman, with its experience of jungle could see at the forefront of the invisible and made the call to the adjustment of the conflict and the exchange of prisoners (military and police have captured the guerrilla fighters that has made invisible the Colombian state in its prisons and that he gave his financier, USA). Good starting point to visualize the armed conflict and therefore the containers facing it, without forgetting that this is not the consequence of social reality in Colombia, that "not wanting to see" it "no longer exists." Reality
denoting the marked political differences and conflicting interests class: first the rule that Colombia intends to continue maintaining exploited and their service, as its advanced geo-strategic Ouramérica source of wealth, faithful provider of drug, oil, coffee and cheap labor, which keeps a puppet government through terrorism aims to continue to subject the people of Colombia.
the other hand, disadvantaged and indigenous peasants subjected to harassment and terror to displace them and take their land, viciously exploited workers who want to break with the killings of political and labor leaders and intellectuals and middle class progressives who through state terrorism is to silence, (the invisible); political reality that forces everyone, Colombians, to visualize and recognize each other to resolve the conflict.
What it should be clear that while there is no mutual recognition and the options to resolve by peaceful means the contradictions of class, young people continue to invisible, as they assume class consciousness in and for itself, joining the guerrillas, because its goal is not material individualistic but collective: the recognition and respect for the working class in the context of the collection and preservation of power for building a more just and humane society (socialism), starting from principle that is preferable die standing than live on your knees, but he surprised the former governor cause Jara.
Episcopal Conference in Venezuela said an autism activist taken as a guide for action, to try to ignore the people, to Chavez, Chavez, and to their government work, I imagine that when traveling abroad arrive at the airport on the old road or use the trail to avoid crossing the viaduct, because their thinking is not, (built by the Chavez government), nor acknowledge the railway, subway, hydroelectric plants, bridges, highways and other infrastructure works and construction by revolution or social progress that have meaning missions, even when they have the UN figures.
Venezuela For them there is only crisis and insecurity, dangerous approach that seeks to make invisible the Venezuelan revolutionary process that does not exist, but the people, a high percentage of Catholics by the way, invisible to the high hierarchy, feel and defends its process Marxist revolutionary and what scholars are aware of the objective social reality and its power to transform individuals, deepening the process of national liberation to socialism. Raises give the Episcopal Conference, if it was in our hands, a spoonful of own syrup, remove the contributions of the "revolutionary state" to feel a real crisis and not the idealistic speculations that claim!
Source: Spur Peak and Nueva Esparta Communist
Publisher: Marinera Communist Rebellion Juangriego
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