Communist Press Popular_Solidaridad Miranda confirms the necessity of the measure of nationalization of banks
is also raised the need for nationalization and control of monopoly distribution and production of food and articles of the Basic Basket and total control by the state and workers.
recall that the country's financial system has very close relations with the transnational corporations that have had the biggest gains of the past 30 years.
Caracas, November 12. People's Tribune tp/Agencias.- The President rejected the proposal made by the Communist Party of Venezuela PCV, which considered it necessary to address the crisis before the financial system into bankruptcy and emphasizing that the bank is "the most reactionary sector of the capital and factor domination and dependency. "
"No, that's not our strategic line, we go forward in terms of a plan and a rhythm," the president said national radio and television chain. Admitted that a prolonged fall in oil prices could affect your government projects
President Hugo Chavez has denied that plans to nationalize the bank, dismissing the recent appeal made to him by the Communist Party of Venezuela to implement that strategy to address the global financial crisis. "They said I should nationalize banks and everything. No, that's not our strategic line, we go forward in terms a plan and a rhythm, "he said.
criticized the PCV leadership argued that the State has touched the bank" or the petal of a rose. "I said: What we have not touched the oligarchy or the petal of a rose? They ran PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela), oil revenues at will, ran the BCV "he said. Recall that country's financial system has very close relations with the transnational corporations and that in these years have had the biggest gains of 30 years.
However, they are part of the oligarchy that has been conspiring against the revolutionary process. The president admitted that a fall Prolonged oil prices could affect the government projects. "Oil is down and there is the factor to continue to spread itself over time can affect us and of course affect us," said
Popular_Solidaridad Communist Press Review Miranda
is important to note the fact as the proposition of the Communist Party of Venezuela has been featured in international and national sectorers other revolutionaries who have largely agreed with this approach. And now, even the President of the Republic PSUV leader Hugo Chavez has referred the proposal of the Venezuelan Communist, VCP, published by the National Digital Journal Tribuna Popular TP PCV \u200b\u200bby our International Solidarity Spokesman Communist Prensapopular_Solidaridad Miranda, digital newspapers and other Communication Network Mirandinos Communist (REDECCOMI) and other States, and across the national press and international agencies.
On the original proposal Communist Press Popular_Solidaridad Miranda was a comment, embedded in our digital, it's good to reaffirm and can be read on the link placed below http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot.com / 2008/11/partido-comunista-de-venezuela-plantea.html -
current information on the proposals of President Chavez, we note that:
1 .- In fact, it affected the domain of the Grand National and International Monopoly Capital on the operations of PDVSA, but no impairment of the Capital, because the company was already in the National Capital, the State, with all existing limitations to the time of policy change, but in relation to Capital, remains the same, only now an Administration of their results, not previously had. This is undoubtedly positive.
2 .- The Communists and our Party, the Communist Party of Venezuela, in reference to the banks is said that banks have not been touched even with a rose petal eol, and that's exactly it, they have not been touched. Speak the Central Bank of Venezuela is to get to the point. The fact there is so far right, but that's not the issue, the issue is the private banks and their bad habits.
communist position is that the decision should be now, with the Banking healthy, not when their international relations and their bad habit known to be affected by the crisis
.- 3.-It is the position of having respectable " plans and timetables. " But the truth is that crises do not respect plans and rates, and less when they have been incubating and presenting, like this one, since early this year but hiding from his heart came first, the United States. Miranda Popular_Solidaridad Communist press in several articles this year, even the comrades of the Communist Party of the United States, and our analysis of this digital warned about it, based on filtered data in U.S. newspapers.
4.-In a conspiratorial stage of ongoing conspiracy, no AC, we are facing, conspiracy led directly from the U.S., its main allies are lurking just the big banks, although at one time or another made the Santico. The measure proposed by the Communist Party affect Venezuela's most influential economic groups in the Venezuelan economy and placed in the hands of the state and workers the most important economic management capacity.
5.-As usual in this conspiracy and permanent destabilization. operations are raging conspiracy from the economic field, and one of the alternatives of the Banks may well be the concealment of funds against losses, to go to the benefits of support, as they are doing their foreign masters that break with a name and you are "positioned" through an intermediary organizations to get a new one and take everything.
Popular_Solidaridad 6.-For Press Comunistas Miranda, se debe ir ya más lejos. Están los monopolizadores del Monopolio de distribución de alimentos y productos de la vida diaria en general, que también requieren de una medida de precaución de control inmediato del Estado y los trabajadores, desde el punto de vista de la expropiación y control.- Eso se viene planteando desde hace bastante tiempo, desde "operaciones" de acaparamiento, creación de escasez artificial y otros manejos similares anteriores.
El C. R. del Partido Comunista de Venezuela Miranda lo planteó en un Comunicado Llamamiento en el Mes de Mayo del 2007 , donde se señaló que:
"""Forman parte de este Plan el acaparamiento y desabastecimiento que impulsa la Oligarquía monopolista de la distribución de alimentos y productos de la Cesta Básica, combinado con campañas de estímulo a compras nerviosas realizadas por los Medios Conspirativos de la TV—Radio Caracas TV, Globovisión— De la Prensa—El Universal, El Nacional— De la Radio—Radio Caracas Radio y Unión Radio, y otros medios conspiradores y alarmistas. que entre otras cosas buscan impulsar aumentos de precios innecesarios, para engordar los bolsillos de los monopolistas con más dinero de la especulación.
Todo el mundo, el pueblo en general, sabe quienes son: La Polar y los Mendoza. el conspirador activo Alfonso Rivas, the group of Cargill and its management, and meat from the suspect pointed the killings of peasants, the farmer Betancourt, now hidden behind Fedecámaras.El people claim the necessary measures and ruthlessly against these oligarchs owned monopoly market food distribution, especially .-
Mirandinos population raises the need to nationalize, without ceremony or compensation, these monopolies.
7 .- It is clear that these issues - the nationalization of the banks and big monopolies of distribution, while both groups knowingly monopoly capitalist conspiracy related to actions - have been clearly managed and longed for the working class and so striking as arising with them.
Obviously this is in the hands of the people, their discussion in factories, banks, trade and labor centers, educational institutions, service institutions, government agencies, and population centers, as well as organizations of the base unit have joined the Patriotic Alliance, a participatory process of analysis to promote appropriate action. Miranda Communist Prensapopular_Solidaridad records this approach and confirms its position that the banks and monopolies should proceed to its nationalization and control and of them by the State Workers.
Source: Digital Journal Tribuna Popular TP Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) / Prensapopular_Solidaridad Communist
Miranda Publisher: Popular Communist Rebellion Carrizal
is also raised the need for nationalization and control of monopoly distribution and production of food and articles of the Basic Basket and total control by the state and workers.
recall that the country's financial system has very close relations with the transnational corporations that have had the biggest gains of the past 30 years.
Caracas, November 12. People's Tribune tp/Agencias.- The President rejected the proposal made by the Communist Party of Venezuela PCV, which considered it necessary to address the crisis before the financial system into bankruptcy and emphasizing that the bank is "the most reactionary sector of the capital and factor domination and dependency. "
"No, that's not our strategic line, we go forward in terms of a plan and a rhythm," the president said national radio and television chain. Admitted that a prolonged fall in oil prices could affect your government projects
President Hugo Chavez has denied that plans to nationalize the bank, dismissing the recent appeal made to him by the Communist Party of Venezuela to implement that strategy to address the global financial crisis. "They said I should nationalize banks and everything. No, that's not our strategic line, we go forward in terms a plan and a rhythm, "he said.
criticized the PCV leadership argued that the State has touched the bank" or the petal of a rose. "I said: What we have not touched the oligarchy or the petal of a rose? They ran PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela), oil revenues at will, ran the BCV "he said. Recall that country's financial system has very close relations with the transnational corporations and that in these years have had the biggest gains of 30 years.
However, they are part of the oligarchy that has been conspiring against the revolutionary process. The president admitted that a fall Prolonged oil prices could affect the government projects. "Oil is down and there is the factor to continue to spread itself over time can affect us and of course affect us," said
Popular_Solidaridad Communist Press Review Miranda
is important to note the fact as the proposition of the Communist Party of Venezuela has been featured in international and national sectorers other revolutionaries who have largely agreed with this approach. And now, even the President of the Republic PSUV leader Hugo Chavez has referred the proposal of the Venezuelan Communist, VCP, published by the National Digital Journal Tribuna Popular TP PCV \u200b\u200bby our International Solidarity Spokesman Communist Prensapopular_Solidaridad Miranda, digital newspapers and other Communication Network Mirandinos Communist (REDECCOMI) and other States, and across the national press and international agencies.
On the original proposal Communist Press Popular_Solidaridad Miranda was a comment, embedded in our digital, it's good to reaffirm and can be read on the link placed below http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot.com / 2008/11/partido-comunista-de-venezuela-plantea.html -
current information on the proposals of President Chavez, we note that:
1 .- In fact, it affected the domain of the Grand National and International Monopoly Capital on the operations of PDVSA, but no impairment of the Capital, because the company was already in the National Capital, the State, with all existing limitations to the time of policy change, but in relation to Capital, remains the same, only now an Administration of their results, not previously had. This is undoubtedly positive.
2 .- The Communists and our Party, the Communist Party of Venezuela, in reference to the banks is said that banks have not been touched even with a rose petal eol, and that's exactly it, they have not been touched. Speak the Central Bank of Venezuela is to get to the point. The fact there is so far right, but that's not the issue, the issue is the private banks and their bad habits.
communist position is that the decision should be now, with the Banking healthy, not when their international relations and their bad habit known to be affected by the crisis
.- 3.-It is the position of having respectable " plans and timetables. " But the truth is that crises do not respect plans and rates, and less when they have been incubating and presenting, like this one, since early this year but hiding from his heart came first, the United States. Miranda Popular_Solidaridad Communist press in several articles this year, even the comrades of the Communist Party of the United States, and our analysis of this digital warned about it, based on filtered data in U.S. newspapers.
4.-In a conspiratorial stage of ongoing conspiracy, no AC, we are facing, conspiracy led directly from the U.S., its main allies are lurking just the big banks, although at one time or another made the Santico. The measure proposed by the Communist Party affect Venezuela's most influential economic groups in the Venezuelan economy and placed in the hands of the state and workers the most important economic management capacity.
5.-As usual in this conspiracy and permanent destabilization. operations are raging conspiracy from the economic field, and one of the alternatives of the Banks may well be the concealment of funds against losses, to go to the benefits of support, as they are doing their foreign masters that break with a name and you are "positioned" through an intermediary organizations to get a new one and take everything.
Popular_Solidaridad 6.-For Press Comunistas Miranda, se debe ir ya más lejos. Están los monopolizadores del Monopolio de distribución de alimentos y productos de la vida diaria en general, que también requieren de una medida de precaución de control inmediato del Estado y los trabajadores, desde el punto de vista de la expropiación y control.- Eso se viene planteando desde hace bastante tiempo, desde "operaciones" de acaparamiento, creación de escasez artificial y otros manejos similares anteriores.
El C. R. del Partido Comunista de Venezuela Miranda lo planteó en un Comunicado Llamamiento en el Mes de Mayo del 2007 , donde se señaló que:
"""Forman parte de este Plan el acaparamiento y desabastecimiento que impulsa la Oligarquía monopolista de la distribución de alimentos y productos de la Cesta Básica, combinado con campañas de estímulo a compras nerviosas realizadas por los Medios Conspirativos de la TV—Radio Caracas TV, Globovisión— De la Prensa—El Universal, El Nacional— De la Radio—Radio Caracas Radio y Unión Radio, y otros medios conspiradores y alarmistas. que entre otras cosas buscan impulsar aumentos de precios innecesarios, para engordar los bolsillos de los monopolistas con más dinero de la especulación.
Todo el mundo, el pueblo en general, sabe quienes son: La Polar y los Mendoza. el conspirador activo Alfonso Rivas, the group of Cargill and its management, and meat from the suspect pointed the killings of peasants, the farmer Betancourt, now hidden behind Fedecámaras.El people claim the necessary measures and ruthlessly against these oligarchs owned monopoly market food distribution, especially .-
Mirandinos population raises the need to nationalize, without ceremony or compensation, these monopolies.
7 .- It is clear that these issues - the nationalization of the banks and big monopolies of distribution, while both groups knowingly monopoly capitalist conspiracy related to actions - have been clearly managed and longed for the working class and so striking as arising with them.
Obviously this is in the hands of the people, their discussion in factories, banks, trade and labor centers, educational institutions, service institutions, government agencies, and population centers, as well as organizations of the base unit have joined the Patriotic Alliance, a participatory process of analysis to promote appropriate action. Miranda Communist Prensapopular_Solidaridad records this approach and confirms its position that the banks and monopolies should proceed to its nationalization and control and of them by the State Workers.
Source: Digital Journal Tribuna Popular TP Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) / Prensapopular_Solidaridad Communist
Miranda Publisher: Popular Communist Rebellion Carrizal
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