A communist militant, to the workers and the Venezuelan people
The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), emerged in response to the deep class contradictions in our country and the world, has raised the Bolivarian patriotic flags, the scientific socialism and proletarian internationalism, without giving ever during his 78 years as an organic edge main reference of the working class.
Today in the PCV started the process of preparing our Congress XIV Nacional.A few moments of our life party, like the present, we have had the opportunity to deploy all our energies and efforts to break through and fulfill our role in vanguard of the proletariat and its allies, to settle the old bourgeois state which still dominates the destiny of our country and move towards the establishment of the People's Revolutionary Democratic State.
addition, we seldom had seen in the historical necessity of acting within the framework of so sharp contradictions in the process of confrontation with the main enemy of our country, imperialism, and the old and new trends of the bourgeoisie, the first allied perennial of imperialist transnationals, and the second pushing to consolidate its economic power and its political domain.
world capitalist system, now in serious crisis, seeks survival through two mechanisms, both direct impact on Venezuela: first, by downloading on the dependent countries and peoples of the world, the economic consequences of structural deficiencies; and secondly, encouraging, with the complicity of governments like Colombia, the development of the armed struggle aimed at securing control of the planet's wealth and resources and to restore the degree of influence he had on Latin America and elsewhere and has been eroded in recent years as a result of the struggle of peoples for sovereignty and self-determination.
In this context of deepening class struggle, therefore we are developing our political line based on Marxist-Leninist theory, reaffirming the need for building the national broad anti-imperialist alliance, coordinating with the various classes and forces agree in order to win national liberation, and accumulating forces to move towards the construction of the XIV Congress socialismo.Nuestro developed in the midst of a battle of ideas whose outcome will depend on the correlation of forces that we build and strengthen the political instrument of the working class and its allies.
The result of this political-ideological demarcation determine whether the current phase of the process is definitely directed towards socialism or lost in reformism, betraying the people's aspirations deep cambios.En this juncture, it is for our party develop from now processing tasks of the XIV Congress to reach its final stage in August next year, but not before testing our full potential ideological, organizational and political support to give a qualitative and quantitative leap in the midst of difficulties, as we have done in other historic opportunity we have been able to overcome attempts to corner and liquidate our party.
Therefore, among other important matters, we will update the VCP Program, approved by the VI Congress, who turns 30 in 2010. This Congress will be a manifestation of consciousness and discipline of the Party, a demonstration of honesty and commitment, a high expression of international solidarity with organizations and people in struggle against imperialism, and an example of brotherhood among members and agencies of PCV.
At the same time, the Fourteenth Congress should be the strongest and powerful demonstration of the ability to debug and opt for internal services practices and misconceptions that prevent us from moving forward with greater force, using the most critical and self-criticism and the exercise of the widest internal democracy, to build the political instrument of the Venezuelan revolution, as required by our Congress XIII (Special).
be a propitious time for the PCV and the Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV) deepen our main task: to gain awareness of the working class and the working people, historical subject of the revolution for socialism scientific only alternative tool of humanity to overcome the disastrous rule of capitalism, in order to be able to take on various forms of struggle that the circumstances imposed upon us, in defense of the homeland, internationalism and the socialist perspective.
We call upon all communist activism to contribute their best to successfully develop the Fourteenth Congress, and help strengthen our Party. Summoned to enter the PCV to the workers, workers, peasants, youth and intellectuals to assume the need for a political instrument for the conquest of power, the revolutionary transformation of society and the construction of Socialism and Communism. FULL XXXI
PCV, 8 and 9 August 2009.
Source: Tribuna Popular / PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda (PPS_CM) http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot.com/ Mail: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com
Editing: Marinera Communist Rebellion Juangriego http://pcvjuangriego/ rebeldiamarinera.blogspot.com Mail: pcvjuangriego@gmail.com
A communist militant, to the workers and the Venezuelan people
The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), emerged in response to the deep class contradictions in our country and the world, has raised the Bolivarian patriotic flags, the scientific socialism and proletarian internationalism, without giving ever during his 78 years as an organic edge main reference of the working class.
Today in the PCV started the process of preparing our Congress XIV Nacional.A few moments of our life party, like the present, we have had the opportunity to deploy all our energies and efforts to break through and fulfill our role in vanguard of the proletariat and its allies, to settle the old bourgeois state which still dominates the destiny of our country and move towards the establishment of the People's Revolutionary Democratic State.
addition, we seldom had seen in the historical necessity of acting within the framework of so sharp contradictions in the process of confrontation with the main enemy of our country, imperialism, and the old and new trends of the bourgeoisie, the first allied perennial of imperialist transnationals, and the second pushing to consolidate its economic power and its political domain.
world capitalist system, now in serious crisis, seeks survival through two mechanisms, both direct impact on Venezuela: first, by downloading on the dependent countries and peoples of the world, the economic consequences of structural deficiencies; and secondly, encouraging, with the complicity of governments like Colombia, the development of the armed struggle aimed at securing control of the planet's wealth and resources and to restore the degree of influence he had on Latin America and elsewhere and has been eroded in recent years as a result of the struggle of peoples for sovereignty and self-determination.
In this context of deepening class struggle, therefore we are developing our political line based on Marxist-Leninist theory, reaffirming the need for building the national broad anti-imperialist alliance, coordinating with the various classes and forces agree in order to win national liberation, and accumulating forces to move towards the construction of the XIV Congress socialismo.Nuestro developed in the midst of a battle of ideas whose outcome will depend on the correlation of forces that we build and strengthen the political instrument of the working class and its allies.
The result of this political-ideological demarcation determine whether the current phase of the process is definitely directed towards socialism or lost in reformism, betraying the people's aspirations deep cambios.En this juncture, it is for our party develop from now processing tasks of the XIV Congress to reach its final stage in August next year, but not before testing our full potential ideological, organizational and political support to give a qualitative and quantitative leap in the midst of difficulties, as we have done in other historic opportunity we have been able to overcome attempts to corner and liquidate our party.
Therefore, among other important matters, we will update the VCP Program, approved by the VI Congress, who turns 30 in 2010. This Congress will be a manifestation of consciousness and discipline of the Party, a demonstration of honesty and commitment, a high expression of international solidarity with organizations and people in struggle against imperialism, and an example of brotherhood among members and agencies of PCV.
At the same time, the Fourteenth Congress should be the strongest and powerful demonstration of the ability to debug and opt for internal services practices and misconceptions that prevent us from moving forward with greater force, using the most critical and self-criticism and the exercise of the widest internal democracy, to build the political instrument of the Venezuelan revolution, as required by our Congress XIII (Special).
be a propitious time for the PCV and the Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV) deepen our main task: to gain awareness of the working class and the working people, historical subject of the revolution for socialism scientific only alternative tool of humanity to overcome the disastrous rule of capitalism, in order to be able to take on various forms of struggle that the circumstances imposed upon us, in defense of the homeland, internationalism and the socialist perspective.
We call upon all communist activism to contribute their best to successfully develop the Fourteenth Congress, and help strengthen our Party. Summoned to enter the PCV to the workers, workers, peasants, youth and intellectuals to assume the need for a political instrument for the conquest of power, the revolutionary transformation of society and the construction of Socialism and Communism. FULL XXXI
PCV, 8 and 9 August 2009.
Source: Tribuna Popular / PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda (PPS_CM) http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot.com/ Mail: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com
Editing: Marinera Communist Rebellion Juangriego http://pcvjuangriego/ rebeldiamarinera.blogspot.com Mail: pcvjuangriego@gmail.com