recommend reading the article located below Toomas From Communist PrensaPopularSolidaria Miranda,
By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza
1 .- "18 Brumaire, Marx defined social class by saying that" as far as millions of families live under economic conditions of existence that distinguished by their way of life, their interests and culture of other classes and they oppose a hostile way, those forming a class. "
2.Lenin, without contradicting the Marxist definition, explained in more detailed terms "Classes are large groups of men, distinguished by the place they occupy in a historically determined social production, relations they are in with respect to the means of production, the role of the social organization of work and, consequently, by the way, and the proportion that are part of the social wealth they have. "
Tribune in articles included in Popular PCV Digital Journal: Written by Rodri-guez Faustino Bauza, Wednesday, July 25, 2007 PCV, class struggle, Marxism-Leninism and revolutionary organization By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza made reference to the annotations that mark with the numbers 3 to 7 in this article.
3 .- "The workers sell their labor, what they do, so the owners of the means of production are paid a fraction of what they have produced, through wages. The rest is in surplus appropriating the owner of the means of production and is the basis for the growth of wealth .-
set capitalist society. Those with the means of production are joined together to defend the social order that allows them to enrich themselves even more. And who are exploited are joined together to defend against such exploitation and fighting for a different social order in which they are not exploited.
5.-The connection between the operators is known as the bourgeois class, the bourgeoisie, which defends its interests and wants to make things so
.- 6 .- The marriage of those who work and are are exploited working class, the proletariat,
defending their interests and they want society to change, leave private property, exploitation and capitalism .- "
7 .- The struggle between the bourgeoisie and the working class for the domain of power is what constitutes the class struggle
.- Given the above what's new in this? .- From the fall of the Soviet Union the bourgeoisie, using their knowledge of the importance of class struggle, applied skillfully one of the forms of class struggle, the ideological struggle, to try to impose the concept that and the organization of society in the world was complete, that history was over, and it made no sense the proletariat's struggle for freedom and socialism set up to communism.
revolutionary organizations had to be eaten that story, reformers, social democrats, took care of him chorus to the bourgeoisie. Even in Communist parties emerged streams where it was suggested that the Communist Parties would not be necessary and the Communists should be organized as "social currents of opinion", diluted in other parties "modern." Ie current liquidators and contrary to the interests of the proletariat in class struggle and sweep away the bourgeois regime and the establishment of socialism, first, and communism immediately, quickly, without wasting too much time on that, because the reality is communism really frees humanity all.
And today, as they say, things became clear, you see, with the crisis - which is the second great crisis of capitalism - which is at the root of the production process, and there those determined to beat around the bush and say it is nothing more than a financial system crisis. It is not just the financial system but the entire capitalist economic structure.
As is also the entire system of views and values \u200b\u200bof capitalism, that people in the world and begins to see
clear that does not meet the expectations of the humanidad.Todo this is reflected in the global mobilization rapidly growing. A great example we have in the French working class in many battles throughout history has been an example for the world. Now it is again. With conflict and the strong position in the struggle of workers as the Continental, 3M, shipyards, portuasrios, service workers, and others.
As reflected in the growth of the protests of the French working class, other than a general mobilization to strike - between January 1929 and March 1919 - growing by 25% with a significant participation CGT. That is being reflected by what you see in the press on the Internet in the Communist Party of France, with the reaffirmation of those who claim that not only keep the PCF and will not dissolve in other forms of "left", but keep it to that glorious French Communist Party to play its true role of the Party of the Working Class.
And that is happening in France, as occurs in other European countries and the rest of the world: the strengthening of the Communist Parties had settled on a clear criteria about what are the social classes and the struggle clases.En Humanity is opening a wide and hard period of exacerbation and deepening of the class struggle. The Communist parties know to play our part to fight alongside the working class, with a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe track is not to save capitalism, but to advance toward socialism with the clear view that the ultimate goal is communism.
is the clear statement of the Communist Party of Venezuela, we raise from here, from this newspaper that PrensaPopularSolidaria Digi
ComunistasMiranda, one of the spokesmen of the Communist State of Miranda, dedicated to solidarity with the struggles of the class workers, workers from around the world, against the consequences of the crisis created by the capitalists, who also want to pay the capitalists that the working class and pay for the crisis trabajadores.Que them, the capitalists who were those who created.
And with warm cloths. The price of crisis is capitalism . The mobilization of the working class will be firm and consistent and increasingly well aware and clear that the price of the crisis is capitalism and that we must advance towards socialism and communism. That will be the framework of the struggle of the proletariat in the world in the immediate phase.
Source: PrensaPopularSolidaria ComunistasMiranda